gambi_abo is a research-creation project featuring a series of do-it-yourself (DIY) cardboard-based game controllers. Each controller has approachable and accessible building instructions for how to create controllers using easy to find interface devices. With gambi_abo, the public can make controllers for the games you choose, not the ones a certain company decides are the best for its platforms. You can learn more about this project in its website:

2018-04-27 – Vice Brasil – Três controles de videogame pra você construir com papelão
2018-04-20 – Game Developer – Create your own cardboard controllers with free ‘gambi_abo’ blueprints
Granzotto Llagostera, Enric. 2018. gambi_abo. Videogame controllers.
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Granzotto Llagostera, Enric. 2020. “Despedaçando plataformas: ferramentas alternativas de criação de jogos e práticas compartilhadas.” In Proceedings of SBGames 2020, 8. Recife, Brazil: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação.
Granzotto Llagostera, Enric. 2019b. “Critical Controllers: How Alternative Game Controllers Foster Reflective Game Design.” In Companion
Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion, 85–88. San Diego, USA: ACM.